If Cison v8 represents 1, what's the answer to this math question? 99% Will Fail This Simple Math Question!!!!Can you? the first one who gives the right answer will receive a small gift from Stirlingkit.com. please comment below this blog! everyone has a chance to win!!! deadline is the moment people who writes down the right answer.
2023/12/30 update: no winner yet!
2024/1/1 update: the correct answer is 30!
This Giveaway is now Closed. Congrats to
Lubos Opolsky
Riding Elements
a gift will be sent out soon.
Latest update on the Cison V8 Engine Production. see the photos below.
The answer is 1
answer is 12
The answer is 1
Anything multiplied by zero is zero. Zero + 1 = 1
I’m changing my answer to 30
Answer is 1
I‘ve changed my mind: 552